3R Garden Design

California Native &

Drought Tolerant Landscapes

Licensed | Bonded | Insured


Our Mission

3R Garden Design operates under the belief that a holistic approach is the best way to rediscover our connection to the natural world, and our connection to one another.

To us, a holistic approach means looking at the bigger picture when solving a problem; whether we are facilitating a community volunteer day at an organization in need, teaching the next generation of sustainable leaders at one of our STEAM school gardens, or installing dynamic and environmentally harmonious landscapes at a client’s home or business, it is a labor of love we happily undertake as we work together toward a more sustainable future.


If you also believe in a more sustainable future…

Contact us today and start the conversation!


Our Core Values

Environmental Stewardship

Responsible care and use of local and larger ecosystems are overarching objectives. We aim to honor the original caretakers of the land we are on and prioritize Indigenous knowledge and sciences that have been made accessible to non-Indigenous folks. As the original inhabitants and stewards of this land, acknowledging and honoring their role in maintaining and managing biodiversity and landscapes is essential. One of our central avenues for this pursuit is through education and expanding environmental literacy to build a lasting foundation of ecological consciousness and accountability for future generations.

Soil Regeneration

Over 95 percent of life on land exists in soil. Industrial agriculture and colonization have depleted the Earth and the need for soil restoration has never been more critical. Healthy soil means more biological diversity, carbon storage, water regulation, and erosion prevention. In order to amend decades of damage to one of Earth’s largest carbon sinks, we implement intentional growing practices to regenerate the soil health where we are. For us, this looks like using organic and local materials, utilizing no-till practices, cover cropping, composting, and increasing microbe populations. 

Water Conservation

As water becomes more scarce, the need for water-wise growing practices is here. In order to conserve water while also supporting a thriving urban agriculture movement, proper irrigation, and planting design is key. Growing California native-heavy plants and knowing when and how to water allow for year-round healthy gardens. This includes growing drought-tolerant, endemic plants with cooperative companions, watering less often, and recycling water where we can through grey water systems and atmospheric water catchments.
